A few weeks ago, while selling some models locally, I ran into a gamer who shared a very similar mentality about 40k and how the game is played. It just so happens that he also runs the very excellent Studio Hobby Thumbs (click here). Through our communications back and forth, we decided that we were going to start up a small gaming group and run an escalation-style, narratively-focused campaign.
The Sumnal battle report posted previously was just the first step in a long line of forthcoming games.
Once again, our goals are to re-learn the sixth edition of Warhammer 40,000 and slowly build/renovate/expand our respective armies.
After an awesome first game with Matt, the tone of this campaign has been set. Soulless machines have begun their endless march across Sumnal's wastelands and pious Space Marines are quickly rushing to the planet's defence.
Sumnal's second front was now about to open against a very eager Mr. Hobby Thumbs. It was an epic showdown between my Necrons and his very nice Red Scorpions force.
+++ Transmission Begins +++
Nandrekh felt the Chaplain's final, concussive blows rip through his living-metal construction. A thousand sensors rang throughout his body. It was the closest thing Nandrekh had to pain - and it was completely meaningless.
In an instant, his consciousness was transferred hundreds of miles across Sumnal's desolate wastes. The growing storm played havoc with the transmission, but he had arrived uncorrupted.
A shame, he thought, that the tomb-wardens had not yet managed to wake his true form. Once again, he was forced to borrow another of these lesser constructs. It was this, he blamed, as the reason for being bested by the skull-faced champion of man. That, and the failings of his warriors. They too, it seemed, had not completely woken from their eons of slumber.
Regardless, it was time to march.
Nandrekh stepped forward, taking his place in the hundred-strong phalanx. Blowing sand and slag wrapped its way around them.
To war, he calculated. Again.
Already, he could see the glow of the capital city through the storm.
The Red Scorpions 4th company had deployed quickly into Elsmere, Sumnal's tired and overcrowded capital.
Through the armoured viewport of his Rhino, Captain Aculeus Maximus remarked that the city hadn't worn the siege well. But really, what could be expected out of miners and moisture farmers? The Adeptus Arbites had tried their best, but it was more of a fighting retreat than any real defence.
When they finally arrived at the city outskirts, the Scorpions remarked that the battlements were empty. Sumnal's PDF and Arbites had withdrawn from this part of the city long ago - a necessary concession to preserve other, more vulnerable parts of the crumbling capital.
Not long after they had taken their place among the shattered buildings, word of the Black Templars' recent victory found its way through the appropriate vox channels. They had suffered casualties, but it seemed as though that they had fared well.
Over the next few hours, the Scorpions settled in and prepared to brave the storm.
Reticules flashed continuously on the inside of Sergeant's Verdensis's helm. Even at this range, the storm was beginning to disrupt their sensors. He tried to ignore the ominous horizon. Lighting arced across the storm front, creating a swath of unsettling imagery against the wounded city skyline.
Darkness, Sumnal's seemingly endless night, crept behind it at a dragging pace.
Moments later, there was an alarm sounded down the line.
A faint blue glow was cutting its way through the fast-moving wall of sand.
Captain Maximus barked out a handful of orders as volleys of gauss fire ripped apart the sky.
+++ Transmission Ends +++
For this game, I was up against the Red Scorpions. Forge World's custom Chapter Tactics probably aren't the most balanced for competitive play, but they certainly feel cinematic. Their Chapter Tactics allow for each Red Scorpions Sergeant or Veteran Sergeant to carry a Narthecium (5+ Feel No Pain!) for free. It also doesn't impose any restrictions on their wargear. I was going to have to try to take out those sergeants first, and fast.
For this game, we bumped things up to 750 points per side.
Necron Vanguard:
Necron Overlord
Resurrection Orb, Warscythe, Mindshackle Scarabs
Immortals x 8
Gauss Blasters
Necron Warriors x10
Necron Warriors x10
Canoptek Wraiths x 3
Whip Coils x 1 (the tall one!)
Annihilation Barge
Gauss Cannon
746 pts.
Red Scorpions Spearhead:
Chapter Tactics
Red Scorpions
Captain Maximus
Artificer Armor, Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Teleport Homer
Terminator Squad x 5
Sgt. w/ Power Sword (it only looks like a Chainfist!)
Tactical Squad x 10
Meltagun, Missile Launcher
Sgt. w/ Bolt Pistol, Power Fist, Melta Bombs, Narthecium
Tactical Squad x 10
Meltagun, Missile Launcher
Sgt. w/ Bolt Pistol, Power Fist, Melta Bombs, Narthecium
750 pts.
We rolled, as per the book, and got the killpoints mission. Deployment was on the long table edges.
Red Scorpions had first turn. Necrons failed to seize.
The board set-up felt like it fit pretty well with the narrative. I have to say, after finally seeing a Zuzzy mat in person, I’m quite impressed.
Deployment. One unit of Red Scorpions is behind the brown building at the rear. |
The Red Scorpions deployed first. One Tactical Squad was placed on the far left flank. The second squad, joined by Captain Maximus, positioned themselves to take cover among the remnants of a crashed lander. The Red Scorpions' Terminators were kept in reserve.
The Necrons, anticipating the closing pincer, attempted to force the right flank. The Annihilation Barge was flanked by both units of Warriors. Nandrekh and his Immortals advanced through the buildings on the left. Wraiths were kept in reserve as to Deep Strike deep into the Red Scorpions' lines.
Necrons and Red Scorpions both advance toward their foe. |
At the start of Turn 1, the Red Scorpions advanced. Maximus' squad took cover in the crash-site, and the other Tactical Squad moved into the ruins on their left flank.
Being out of range of most of the enemy, the Necrons also advanced. The Barge moved a small amount to pick up his Jink save, and the Warriors advanced into the ruins on their own right flank. The second squad pushed left, realizing that they may have to support the unit of Immortals.
In Turn 2, both sides continued to advance. The Red Scorpions' Terminators failed to arrive, and they also rolled miserably for difficult terrain while entering the debris field. Both sides took a small number of potshots, with very few casualties. Already, I could see that Feel No Pain was going to be an issue.
Thankfully, the Wraiths arrived and nailed their Deep Strike roll. They would be in excellent position to assault next turn.
End of Turn 2. Wraiths are hidden at the top of this image. |
In Turn 3, the Terminators arrived, and aided by Captain Maximus' Teleport Homer they landed directly in front of their lines. Maximus' Tactical Squad advanced behind them and began to lay down some effective Bolter fire.
On Turn 3, Terminators arrive using Maximus' Teleport Homer. |
For the Necrons, ineffective fire from the Annihilation Barge and Warriors on the right flank failed to yield any results. Red Scorpions are hard to kill.
The Wraiths make it into assault, but fail to do much damage. |
Thankfully, the Wraiths made it into assault. Overwatch fire ALMOST instantly killed two of them, but they made their crucial 3+ Invulnerable saves. Unfortunately, their charge was hugely ineffective. They took a wound in return. Combat remained locked.
End of Turn 3. The Necrons continue their advance on Elsmere. |
Turn 4 would turn out to be extremely eventful.
At the top of Turn 4, both the Terminators and Maximus' squad advanced. They fired all of their pistols and assault weapons in preparation for charging the Immortals. Three fell, but would return due to Reanimation Protocols.
The Necron Immortals weather heavy enemy fire. |
The Terminators successfully made their short, three-inch charge. Unfortunately, Maximus' squad charging through terrain fails to make it in. Luckily for the Necrons, they're caught in the open for the next Necron shooting phase.
The Red Scorpions assault. A challenge is issued, the Overlord accepts. |
Amazingly, the Immortals manage to kill one of the Terminators thanks to accurate Overwatch fire.
Upon reaching the Immortals, the Red Scorpions Terminator Sergeant immediately issues a challenge. The Necron Overlord, Nandrekh, graciously accepts.
Mindshackle Scarabs fail to enslave their foe. |
Unfortunately, Mindshackle Scarabs fails to produce any results as Sergeant Kalos rolls EXACTLY his required leadership. In the ensuing combat, the sergeant (armed with a Power Sword, not the pictured Chainfist) rolls extremely well and kills the Overlord before he gets a chance to strike back.
The Immortals miraculously manage to down a Terminator. The Terminators fail to do much to the Immortals in return.
Having lost the combat due to the wounds taken from Nandrekh, the Immortals take a morale test. They pass, and stay locked in combat.
Up to this point, I had been rolling pretty terribly, especially with the Wraiths' combat. Nandrekh's ensuing Ever Living roll was no different. He fails, and is removed from play.
The Red Scorpions pick up Slay the Warlord, First Blood, and a regular kill point. 3-0 for the Scorpions.
Bottom of Turn 4, the Necrons continue to advance and fire. |
In the Necron Turn 4, they advance. Both the Annihilation Barge along with the middle squad of Warriors attempt to pour fire onto Maximus' exposed squad.
Once again, the dice were not in my favour.
Brother Telson - nearly indestructible. |
One single Space Marine managed to make eleven straight armour saves.
Absolutely ludicrous. Next turn, he would make even more before being brought down. I've been told that his shattered body was removed from the battlements by the Apothecarion. Supposedly, he's awaiting transfer into a Dreadnought chassis.
Turn 5. The Scorpions spill through the gap. |
At the top of Turn 5, Maximus leaves his Tactical Squad, and looks to join the melee with the Immortals. The now-leaderless Tactical squad funnels through the crashed lander and charges the Necron Warriors.
Turn 5. In the assault phase, the rest of the Immortals finally fall. |
With the attacks from Maximus and Sergeant Kalos, the Immortals are utterly destroyed.
4-0 for the Red Scorpions.
The Necrons break after combat. |
Likewise, the Necron Warriors break from combat but make it free without being cut down by a Sweeping Advance.
Beginning of Necron Turn 5. All firepower is diverted to try to pick up a last kill point. |
In the Necron Turn 5, the broken Warriors manage to regroup and shoot back (ineffectively) at their pursuers.
On the right flank, the other Warrior squad makes it into assault to help the Wraiths finish their foe.
With the help of a squad of Warriors, the Wraiths finally win their combat on the right flank. |
Both the Wraiths and the Warriors finally roll well and kill the remnants of the Tactical Squad, picking up a kill point. 4-1 for the Scorpions.
Afterwards, both the Wraiths and the Warriors consolidate.
At this point, I was given the honor of rolling to see if the game ended.
Typically, I roll a 1. Game over.
End of Turn 5, and the end of the game. |
The Necrons pick up another point for Linebreaker. 4-2 Red Scorpions. The score illustrates a much closer game than it actually was.
Had the game gone another turn, I'm pretty confident that the fire from all of my units, along with a good charge by the Wraiths could have finished off the remaining Tactical Squad.
Additionally, some better dice rolling would have helped tremendously throughout the game. Comparatively, the Red Scorpions dice couldn't have been better. As illustrated by Brother Telson (who made 13 straight saves), the Scorpions had a ton of luck on their side. Feel No Pain was also a game-changer. We also didn't realize that the Terminator sergeant could have taken a Narthecium as well. It would have made them even more survivable.
Absolutely awesome, and a touch ridiculous.
Either way, I can't wait for a rematch.
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